The Password Protected Update

The Password Protected Update

It's been some time since an update, I hope everyone is doing alright in this crazy time we're in due to the pandemic.
A lot of the past few months has just been monitoring the site as traffic increases and working to optimize performance as much as possible.
The one thing we have worked on is allowing the password protection of posts. You'll find it as an extra option in the drop down.

Password protected posts behave the same as a hidden post except that they will prompt for a password before they will load if one is set.

Once you select password protected, a password field will appear below the status drop down allowing you to set a password for the post.

When accessing the post, if you are not the original poster, you will be prompted for the password, and the post will not load unless the correct password is provided.

Posts in your profile can be sorted by this new post type.

Please comment here or contact us if you have any questions or comments. We love getting user feedback as we continually work to improve the site.

The Comment Update

The Comment Update

Quite a lot of code pushed out to update the site over the past couple weeks.

The largest of which is a complete revamp of the comment and reply system. It looks much cleaner and ties in the user avatars as well. I carried over the system to blogs as well so these can also be commented on now.

Other update highlights include:
  • Added e-mail preferences to your profile under account. You can choose to receive or opt-out of notification e-mails from the site as well as any news or update e-mails.
  • Added an e-mail notification if a user comments on your post.
  • Added Update, Delete, Favorite, and Add Images routes to the Post API endpoint.
  • Created a User API endpoint.
  • Added a fixed footer to the home screen that goes away as you start to scroll to allow easier access to site pages.
  • Added a third status to your posts. A post can now be flagged as secret, which only allows the post creator to load the page, even if you have the url.
  • Added a biography field to your account settings that shows up on your profile.
  • Moved the social share icons to the post options ellipsis, and removed the previous and next post buttons in an effort to clean up the look of a post.
  • Added an option to search your posts in your profile. You can search post titles and ids, as well as image ids, original file names, and descriptions.
  • A status page is available to monitor the status of the site or api.
  • A lot of back end updates and improvements as far as caching goes in an effort to ensure the site is as quick as possible.

Please comment here or contact us if you have any questions or comments. We love getting user feedback as we continually work to improve the site.

API and More!

API and More!

I've got big news for you folks, and a huge item is knocked off the list. The start of the Image Chest API has been implemented.
The Image Chest API allows you to interact with the site via a standardized programming interface.

Eventually, the API will contain a lot more options, but currently it does let you retrieve details about a specific post, as well as create a new post. This allows you to use tools such as ShareX, or your own implementations from your favorite programming language. You can find all the details in the API Documents.

Other highlights include:
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when re-arranging a post where the user had deleted an image.
  • Posts can now be viewed in grid mode. There is an eye icon at the top by the user to switch between grid or vertical view. Grid view loads all images in the post as thumbnails. This is useful for posts with a lot of images. You can also append ?grid to any post as well to achieve the effect.

As usual,  please contact us if you have any questions, comments, or thoughts on improving the site. 

New Year Update

New Year Update

Happy New Year!

It's been a bit since we've updated, but we have been taking some user feedback in as well as knocking items off of the to-do list.
A few updates over the past couple months, and the site has been running smoothly as the traffic increases. Please contact us if you have any questions, comments, or thoughts on improving the site.
You guys are awesome, I hope you're enjoying Image Chest! 

Recent update highlights:
  • Added ReCaptcha to the registration page.
  • Comments you have made can be viewed from your profile. They link to the post you commented on.
  • EXIF data is stripped from images.

Optimizations and CDN - Update 5

Optimizations and CDN - Update 5

There has been a lot of updating going on the past couple weeks, though most of it has been behind the scenes optimizing everything as we monitor the site. Highlights include:
  • Anyone can download a zip archive of a post.
  • Images are now stored on a CDN, which should increase performance all around as images will load from a server closer to you. This also allows us to increase storage on-demand without needing to monitor our usage.
  • A lot of code cleanup and optimizations have gone on behind the scenes to help ensure the speed of the application is maintained at a high level.

As always,  we want to just thank everyone for the support so far, and if you have any questions or comments please contact us. We love feedback.

Showing 16 to 20 of 24 blog posts.
5 Million Files!
5 Million Files!
July 31, 2024
Image Chest Gold
Image Chest Gold
January 2, 2024
The Two Factor Update
The Two Factor Update
December 31, 2023
One Million Files
One Million Files
July 29, 2023